those brown eyes

He'd found me again in the crowd. He stood about 5'11” shirtless, tanned and lovely. He could have been younger than me or older; but it didn't matter. I just enjoyed that we'd connected and he made the effort to find me - just me - in this crowd full of thousands of women and men. He saw me and sought me out cargo van rental.

Turn up HeatI looked up at him and fell into those brown eyes ageLOC Me. We stood about a foot apart and looked at each other saying nothing but feeling electric sparks of

 We met new people from all over the country who felt the same electric sensation of being part of something so global .

Global love. An across the ocean brother and sisterhood kind of love. Feed the hungry love. After some drifting, I lost Miki to the crowds again with a promise to meet back at our assigned seats later. Then fully surrendered myself to become part of the whole as I snaked through the crowds, looked at the people and wondered at the parade of musicians that ignited the stage: B.B. King, Santana, Tom Petty, Duran Duran and on and on ageLOC me.